Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August 12

We camped last night near an obsidian deposit and had fun breaking the large chunks into small bits in the morning while attempting to make a sharp blade like our ancestors might have done years ago. This combined with other factors made for a really late start. My pack is really heavy from my resupply drop making mileage difficult, and sore feet and knees are becoming a factor in hindering progress. It was only about 20 miles to Elk Lake Resort and we've made it without much incident. We both had a chance to go for a swim and clean up a bit. Even though the water we were swimming in tasted disgusting, it was still relatively clear and the temperature was such that it wasn't uncomfortable to do so.

Upon arrival at the resort Jason (in talking with some nobo hikers we found out there is another "halfway" so we've revoked the trail name) went in for food and I went directly for a hitch. I stood on the road for an hour and 4 cars went by all with drivers pretending not to see me. I gave up and came in to the resort hungry and tired. Jason was finishing up his meal and told me that they had been closed since 7 pm (it was now 7:45) and he had barely been able to get food. He gave me what was left of his fries, and we went out by the lakeshore to hang out until dusk. The employees let us stay down by the shore cowboy style, and I wouldn't have it any other way as the meteor shower is in full swing. There's no better way to fall asleep than while watching meteors come burning through the atmosphere in a place so remote you can see the Milky Way. 

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